
Monday, September 29, 2014

Chaitali's Coffee Lovers Blog Hop Challenge!

I read at Kimberly Blog about this Blog Hop and wanna join also this time..thanks Kim for the information :)

September 29 at 6.00 am PST 
Chaitali will have a post on her blog:
with an InLinkz linkup.
You can link your post to the list anytime during the day 
up to 11:59 pm PST.

Here are just some of the Sponsors!

And there are even MORE Prizes... 

have personal FAVES with a $15 Prize to Simon Says Stamp!

 Here is my card for the Blog Hop:

I used the stamp set from The Alley Way stamp and colored it with copic marker.

I fussy cut the mugs of coffee and adhere it with double tape foam.

I entered my card also for the challenge at:

Inkspirational Challenge #66: Designer´s Choice = Beverages/Drinks

The Paper Players #215: A Sketch from Sandy (sdh a.p.)

Thanks for looking and happy monday :-)



  1. Wonderful FUN Bright Colors, YAY for joining in the FUn Monnika!!!!

  2. Ooh such a fun card. May be you would also like to enter it with us over at Fresh Brewed Designs' Lots of Lattes Challenge xxx Here is the link:
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  3. Oh wow this is just so CUTE!! Love the coffee cups with the TAWS images!!! Great take on the sketch too my friend! ;) I thought I saw something, but then the link thanks for posting where this came from!!!

    Wishing you luck my friend!! Now to make a card!! YAY!! LOL!!

  4. Love the bright fun cups! Great card!

  5. Monika, these are the cutest mugs around...wish I had them in my cabinets! Such a fun, colorful card!

  6. Eeek! Love all the different coffee mugs. So cute!

  7. This is so bright & cute, Monika! I love how the colours pop against the kraft background :)

  8. Great card. I love all those brightly coloured cups. Very cheery :) Px

  9. Eine tolle Karte hast du da gezaubert!!! Die eignet sich wunderbar für eine Kaffeeeinladung. :-)))
    LG Flo

  10. Great card! I love the colour on craft!!

  11. Love the card. So colorful and fun.

  12. Fantastic Monika! Love those coffee cups.

  13. Hi Monika. Love your bright cups, great fun card. Have a lovely day! Monika x

  14. Love the idea of the individual coffee mugs in a grid! They really stand out against the kraft paper.

  15. Super cute card, Monika! I love the fun sketch you used and the bold colors on the mugs ♥

  16. Beautifully done , Monika! what a cheery and happy design! Alles gute!

  17. What a fabulous card, I think this is one of my favs from the hop! Jo x

  18. Awww.. this is so cute, Monika! Love all the different designs! Thanks for the tip!

  19. Hi Monika. I'm new to your blog. I love this simple card with the coffee mugs. I have a soft spot for coffee mugs so, it's perfect that I happened to stumbled upon your blog. I am off to look at your other posts. But definitely, you'll be seeing me here often.

  20. Wow, such fun, bright colors! This is so great.

  21. Hi Monika! Oh my gosh, I LOVE your card!!! It's absolutely wonderful in every way! Thanks so much for stopping by to leave your very sweet comment on my blog today! I'm your newest follower now, so I'll be visiting you lots more now!! :) Hugs and happy National Coffee Day!!!

  22. So cute. I love the fussy cut mugs of coffee. You did such a great job with the coloring. Thanks for the sweet comment on my card. I hope yo have a blessed day today.

  23. I made a card for the bloghop too, only spent 30 minutes on it, for me that's a record!
    But I prefer your card to mine, love your choice of sketch and colors! Mine is CAS but perhaps a bit bland...

  24. Hey Monika! You asked me to visit you in your comment so here I am!! Glad I stopped by! :) Such a colorful and pretty card! Thanks for joining the hop!!

  25. This is an adorable card creation that works for all the challenges, Monika! I love your fun and super mug designs!! Hugs, Darnell

  26. Love your take on the sketch Monika - and those cups are just full of bright sunshine!

  27. Super cute coffee cups!! Love the bright and fun colors!

  28. Love ur card!! The colors on the coffee cups make me happy :) superb !

  29. I love the patterns on the mugs and all the fun colors you used. :)

  30. I just love this TAWS stamp set, and your interpretation of the sketch and the fun, bright colors...darling card!
    Hugs, Debbie!

  31. Fun card! Love the bright, happy colors :o)

  32. This is the happiest set of mugs I've ever seen! Love the layout too!!

  33. Super cute card, Monika! I LOVE your coffee mugs--so colorful and cheery!

  34. I looooooove this Monika. Such a happy card.

  35. Love this fun,colourful card! Makes me smile :D

  36. What a fabulous card Monika ..Love all the beautiful bright colors and the way you have created the layout of your card ..Superb !!

  37. Great card! Love all of the different mugs and no card is complete without dimension!

  38. Totally, fun and sweet! Love the coffee mugs!

  39. Such a sweet card Monika. Love those cups and the fun patterns. Great sketch you picked.

  40. Monika, I adore all your coffee mugs! Love all the colors that you used and you rocked the sketch!
    So glad that you linked up to the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop♡

  41. Super fun coffee-themed card! I love the bright colors against the kraft background! SO glad you played with the Players' sketch this week!

  42. Great card, love the bright cheery colors of the cups, it would brighten anyone's day!

  43. Fabulous card and cups Monika..Loz

  44. I'm adding my cheers and applause to the others: a most darling set of coffee cups, perfect for this challenge. Super duper extra cute!!

  45. This is such a fun card! I love your brightly colored coffee cups! Great use of the sketch. Thanks for joining us at The Paper players!

  46. Those coffee cups are the cutest and I love the faux-stitch grid too. Thanks for joining us over at The Paper Players this week.

  47. I love these coffee cups. I thought I left a comment before but guess I did not. I love the colors and the fun look these cups give the card. Awesome.
    Take care and hello to your family. Hugs

  48. What a cute, cute, cute card, Monika! I love your layout and coloring! Thanks for joining us at Inkspirational! xxx

  49. What a fun card, my friend! LOVE the bright coffee cups - awesome take on the sketch.
    hugs, Asha

  50. What a cute, original design! I do not even know how long it must have taken you to fussy cut all of those. Great card! Thanks for sharing with us at Inkspirational!
    - Shauna


I really appreciate your comments, thank you so much for taking the time to visit my Blog :)

Monika R.

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