
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

ATSM #205 Photo Inspiration, A Flower Thanks Card and A Manly Card with Book Theme

We meet again at Wednesday and it means a new challenge at Addicted to Stamps and More (ATSM) this week we have theme:Photo Inspiration

We have a lovely sponsor from DRS Designs:

 Prize is: $10.00 Gift Certificate

I use my Stampin Up flower Image this time. I got this from Fanny my friend from High School. As I visit Indonesia she gave me this goodies. Many thanks sweet Fanny :) Luv this stamp set from SU.

Used the water color and colored it with blue and yellow...I also embossed the dots to give accent. The Sentiment is PTI DIES. And I made as simple as I can for this card :)

Hope you get inspired and like to join us this week at ATSM challenge. Klick HERE to join.

Challenges for my card are:

The Crafty Addicts #21: Anything Goes

Inspiration Destination #97: Anything Goes 

Crafty Sentiments Designs 2 August: Anything Goes  

Word Art Wednesday Week #242 & #243 : Anything Goes

Digi Choosday Week 31: Anything Goes 

Sweet Stamps: July Anything Goes 

Try It On Tuesday: Use your left overs and scraps (the blue paper is left overs) (1/5)


I also made this card for my Boss, he was ordered 7 cards and this one is number 5 :) he want to give a card for his Daddy and his daddy likes to read newspaper and book. Also on this card I used the Hero Arts background stamp on the blue paper and embossed it with white embossing powder.

The book is The Alley Way Stamps, I colored it with Copic Markers. The Happy Birthday is PTI Stamp.

Challenges for my card are:

Bastel Traum : Anything Goes

Crafty Gals Corner #83: Birthdays/Celebrations

Crafting By Design: August Anything Goes

TTCRD 2-8 August : Anything Goes
YNS Sketch and Color Challenge #44: I choose the colors:


The Paper Shelter: Anything Goes

Thanks for looking and leaving me some love, wishing you happy wednesday :)



  1. wow!!! Ich liebe die Farbkombination und den schlichten Stil
    LG hellerlittle

  2. Beautiful card! Love the rose stamp. And the sentiment is really fab!

  3. This is so pretty Monika and I love the yellow behind the lovely flower!

  4. Very pretty Monika, love the die cut thanks. :)

  5. VERY pretty! Love how you used the color combination. The yellow just highlights that pretty rose so well!

  6. I love this kind of flower style and it looks especially great with the rough coloring style of yours. It's very artsy this design, I'm so hooked at this type of style at the moment. Great job!

  7. Love the color card! :)
    Suchi xx

    1. Yep, India! How about you? Indonesia or Germany? (Saw your Bio) :)

  8. Beide Karten sind wunderschön! Danke für's Mitmachen bei Try It On Tuesday!

  9. Your watercoloured card is a lovely interpretation of the inspiration photo; the thanks die is very cool!

  10. Beautiful Rose and lovely card. Thank you for sharing with us at TioT.

  11. Great cards with a good colour combo on the first one

    Thank you for sharing it with us at Try it on Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Wonderful technique creating such a fabulous card!
    Thank you for joining us at Digi Choosday! Jane (DT) xxx

  13. Great cards Monika, your flower card is beautiful, like the colors and soft design and the card for your boss is very manly and has so many great details!

  14. Very beautiful cards. Thank you so much for joining us at Crafty Sentiments Designs. Good luck!!! Patricia

  15. Beautiful soft colors on your first card Monika and I love that background stamp on your second card!
    Hugs Tammy

  16. The flower and water color is awesome. Great colors and so nice and bright and fun..
    Love the tag card.. you know me and loving tags. I love the script background and the books. Awesome. you are so great with your cards.

  17. The colors come together so well on your card. I like the text throughout. Thanks for joining in the fun at YNS.

  18. Great card thanks for joining us at Crafting by Desigmns good luck x

  19. Oh, Monika, this card is awesome!!! Love the yellow rose, and the layout - everything just goes together so beautifully!!
    Susan - DT teamie

  20. Beautiful card, Monika! Blue and yellow is one of my favorite color combos as it is timeless. You used the colors beautifully here. -Lee Ann

  21. Inspiration Destination hat on right now. Love the yellow and the blue great look and very creative. Thanks for sharing over at ID.
    Billie A
    Inspiration Destination
    Catch the bug
    Creative with Stamps
    Aud Sentiments

  22. Very nice Monika. I really like the layout. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at Through The Craft Room Door!
    (Hugs) Cara
    Through The Craft Room Door {Owner}
    TTCRD Challenge Blog
    My Creative Chaos {My Personal Blog}

  23. Beautiful card!!! Thank you for joining us at Digi Choosday Challenges. Monica.Dt

  24. Love your water coloured background and how you layered the sentiment over the 2 panels. Beautiful card! Thanks also for your kind comments on my blog, we actually don't live so far away and we should organise a craft "playdate" together soon!

  25. what a gorgeous project, love the little details. good luck

  26. Great cards, Monika! I really love the beautiful rose card--great effect with the embossed dots!


I really appreciate your comments, thank you so much for taking the time to visit my Blog :)

Monika R.

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