
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

ATSM #207 MYM, Especially For You and a Dream Catcher Card

We meet again at Wednesday and it means a new challenge at Addicted to Stamps and More (ATSM) this week we have theme:Make Your Mark

We have a lovely sponsor from Stamplorations:

 Prize is: 2 Digital Images

I bought this clear stamp from Stamplorations and just have time to inked it :) I love to colored it with my Akashiya SAI water color marker...and the cloud I used the stencil from Billie my lovely friend in USA, again many thanks Billie for the stencil :) The sentiment also Stamplorations

Hope you get inspired and like to join us this week at ATSM challenge. Klick HERE to join.

Challenges for my card are:

Crafty Friends Challenge #38:Anything Goes

Avenue 613 #188: Anything Goes (5/8)

Brown Sugar Challenge #211: Anything Goes (2/3)

Glitter N Sparkle #201: Anything Goes

Inspiration Destination #98 : Anything Goes 

Share Joy Challenge #48: Sketch + Clean & Simple

Word Art Wednesday Week 244 & 245 : Anything Goes

Colour Crazy Craft Challenge Wk 19: Anything Goes

Crafting With Friends #26: Anything Goes 

Creative Corner Challenge: Your Favourite Colour 

STAMPlorations August Theme Challenge: Stamps and Markers/Pencils (I used watercolor marker for coloring my Image)

Stamplorations: Never-ending Anything Goes Challenge 


I also made this card last night for the challenge at CASology this week they have cue card DREAM:


I simply stamp Marianne Dream Catcher on a white paper and embossed it, after that I masked the area that I like to stay white and then I sponged this Distress ink on the open area, see the picture :)

The sentiment is from Stamplorations and I colored the clear stamp with my Akashiya SAI watercolor marker.

Here is the card I made:

My son has one dream catcher in his sleeping room :)

I like the result of the rainbow sponged...what do you think?

Challenges for my second card are:

AAA Cards Game #71: Blending

Amusing Challenge 14 August: Anything Goes (2/2) 

Inspiration Destination #99 : Anything Goes  

Fab n`Funky #316: Anything Goes

Crafting By Designs: Anything Goes August

Creative Moments #100: Anything Goes 
Thanks for looking and leaving me some love, wishing you happy wednesday :)



  1. very pretty cards Monika. Love the the beautiful rainbow background

  2. Both your cards are simply fab Monika! LOVE your coloring in the first one and second one is really cool!

  3. What a sweet little scene with the wishing well, making the most of a small stamp!:0)

  4. Wow, your dream catcher looks amazing in beautiful rainbow shades Monika!
    So glad you shared your card at CASology!
    (thanks for the visit and your kind words too ! ♥ )

  5. Beautiful blending of colors and I love the dream catcher image embossed in white atop that wonderful rainbow background. Thanks so much for linking up and playing along with us at AAA Cards!

  6. WOW!! Really love the gorgeous colors on your designs here!! Fabulous scene coloring on your top card and I just love that dream catcher too!! ;)

  7. I love the way you make cloudy skies. I've tried a few times. And ended up fussy cutting the image, lol. A great wish well card for wishing someone well.
    There are two things that scare me off' those are the themes of rainbows and ladybugs. Why? I think I've struggled with making something for these themes in the past. All rainbow projects have ended up in the bin. But now I have inks and gelatos. Might borrow your idea when using my dream catcher die.

  8. Love, love your dream card, great idea to use a dream catcher and inspired to have such a fab background. Great to see you at AAA

  9. Wow your wishing well is awesome. I love the clouds you are using the stencil wonderfully. I love the way you did the ground. Awesome card.
    I love the dream catcher and the colors awesome look. Your cards are fantastic. Hugs

  10. Your cloudy sky with a well image is so beautiful Monika, love it sweety! And The Dream catcher one is just awesome, what a beautiful blending of colors!

  11. Super dreamy rainbow background for your catcher. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards.

  12. What beautiful cards! I love the wishing well scene card. You hav ecreated such a fantastic background with the grass and clouds! Your dream catcher card is fantastic. What a fun way to showcase the dream catcher! Have a great day!

  13. Beautiful cards, Monika. The coloring is fabulous!

  14. Such gorgeous cards Monica and I LOVE the vibrant sky on your first card - so dreamy!!!

  15. 2 lovely cards, Monika! I absolutely love the blending on the dream catcher card!

  16. Fab project, thanks for sharing with us at Creative Moments, good luck.
    Angie DT

  17. A cute card with fab techniques. Thanks for joining the Glitter 'N' Sparkle challenge :) - Sarah DT

  18. I feel like I haven't seen you around lately, Monika, so I'm so excited to see this beautiful card - love the rainbow colours! So glad you joined us at CASology this week!

  19. Running late with comments this week: apologies! Your wishing well card: absolutely gorgeous! The sky you've impressive!

  20. Beautiful dream-catcher card! Love the ink blending!

  21. Hey Monika, I love your dream catcher, it is really pretty. I love how you watercolored the background. Thank you so much for playing with us this week at CASology.

  22. Love how you have used the dream catcher. looks brilliant.

  23. Beautiful cards. Love dreamcatchers and I love the fact that you made one into a card. Thanks for sharing at Inspiration Destination and hope to see you again. Good luck.
    - Khushboo, DT

  24. Both cards are lovely but you won Top 3 for the dreamcatcher card. So eye catching and it's a great idea! Thanks for joining in on my Amusing Challenge this week!

  25. I love how you created cloudy background for your first card! And a dream catcher is fabulous too!

  26. Wow, this is stunning! I LOVE what you've done with the rainbow of colours. Such a gorgeous idea and it looks wonderful with the white embossing. Stunning card. Thanks so much for adding your gorgeous card into the Fab 'n' Funky 'Anything Goes' challenge. I hope you're enjoying your Summer. Hugs, Wends xoxo Fab 'n' Funky DT

  27. Beautiful cards, Monika! Great job with the ink blending! I really like the wishing well scene!

  28. Beautiful card

  29. Monika, your wishing-well card is a pretty scene...great job with the cloud stencil! Beautiful dream catcher and the rainbow of colors look awesome.

  30. This is SO wonderfully creative, Monika. I guess I never realized that you live overseas (from us). Billie is a sweet lady, and a talented crafter as well. How sweet of her to do that for you. We are all SO blessed to make such amazing friends in blog land (people we've never met, and possibly never will); and yet, they can be some of dearest, sweetest friends. What a blessing. I know I've sure enjoyed making some awesome friends in blog land. I'm happy that Billie is one of your special blog friends. Thanks for sharing that info. Like I said, Billie is a doll. back on track to why I stopped by today. I wanted to thank you for sharing your sweet card with us at Word Art Wednesday. I'm so grateful to have you share your talents with us, and I thank you for linking up. I hope you have a blessed week, and that you will join us again real soon. I love seeing your wonderful projects linked to our challenges, and I enjoy my visits to your sweet blog. Have a happy and creative week.

    P.S. I would love to have you stop by my blog any time you can, just to say hello. I hope to have you visit soon.

  31. Such a beautiful background you created with those clouds. Thank you for blessing us with your creation at Word Art Wednesday. Leaving you with the Word of God in 1 Peter 1:13 which tells us, "Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming." Blessings always.

    JO ANN


I really appreciate your comments, thank you so much for taking the time to visit my Blog :)

Monika R.

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